Friday, August 14, 2009

Questions (Is it just me, or... ?)

Ever feel like you're messing up everything around you, but you just can't stop yourself?
Ever notice you're not being as kind as you think you should be, but you're just moving to fast to be nice?
Ever feel like your head is too full of conflict to make a proper decision, or to handle important issues, but you have to anyway?
Ever feel like you have no idea what you're doing, but you have to do something, and you have no idea if it's the right thing, but you've gotta do it because it's what you believe in?
Ever feel judged?
Ever feel alone in the world and struggling to keep upright and moving forward, and wishing that someone would hold just hold your hand and tell you you're doing the right thing and to just keep going because that's the only way you'll get anywhere?
Ever feel like maybe you're just really too whiney, and should just suck it up (whatever it is that you think is hard), and just deal with it, and don't complain, 'cause no one wants to hear you complain anyway, and you're just bringing everyone around you down when you do it?

Or like you just want to reach out for help, but it's wrong of you to do so, cause GD-it you should be strong enough to handle your own sh*t?

Ever feel like you just need a hug, or a friend?

I know I never do ;) 'Cause if I did, I'd be weak. And no one would like me.

And there's no point in whining, anyway. Or feeling sorry for myself... it's counterproductive. Then again, contrary to my claims of being superman's female counterpart, I am only human. And while I would really, really like to be one of those people who's all sunshine and flowers coming out of their butt (because EVERYONE likes those people, and let's face it, as much as I say I don't care what other people think, what I really want most of all is just people to tell me I'm good - please tell me I'm good? hee heh, um, yeah. ) I can only maitain that positivity for so long before I too get dragged down by visions of doom and gloom when things start to go wrong.
So while I would like to reserve this location for cherry, chipper, and maybe even sometimes funny posts, I have to be myself and whine, at least a little, at least sometimes, I guess.

But that's enough for now.

I just hope y'all still like me :) <------ hopeful smile

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