Sunday, March 29, 2009

self-portrait (yes I'm a big copycat.)

... on my walk home from the corner store to get some milk. I've had this silly little smile on my face for days and days, and I'm not tired of it. I think some people must wonder what i'm just so happy about... I kinda wonder too, 'cause really, my head is spinning....

I know how I feel, but I know how I've met with folly in the past, and this creates a fear in me that i'm letting my heart move too fast, that I need to just take one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other and let each moment pass in it's way, to just wait and see and let come what may.  I've so many little nagging worries about how everything could just go wrong entirely when I least expect it, or maybe when I might expect it, i think too far ahead, and need to just focus. Get a grip. 'Cause the truth is, I'm happy, I'm excited. :)  oh so very excited, that maybe I've reached the other side of this desert i've been crossing and that maybe, just maybe, I've found what I've been looking for, for so long,... a stunningly beautiful vision displayed in cool clear still pond of water...

No, I'm not vain! ( 'cause this song is definatey not about me )


today i caught a rainbow :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The view from my cell :)

Since 2004 (and not counting 2006), I have spent roughly 1/3 of my life in a cubicle. I may jokingly call it my cell, but in all honesty, I am truly blessed to work where I do. The building is new (constructed in 2005), environmently efficient, and asthetically pleasing; our workstations are well-lit, open and spacious. And everybody gets a window :D This is my window(s):

These shots were taken first thing in the morning... I guess you could figure that out by the sun rising. yeah. sigh. I love sunrises/sunsets. I love the sky... it's one of the few things in life that is always amazing. No matter how bad I'm feeling,  I can look to the sky and focus on the beauty nature provides every day without fail, and remember that I am small, and the planet is small, and time goes on and on no matter how I feel. So I might as well brush off my shoulder, and laugh, and love :)


You can see my phone and other desktop miscellenea for reference. It's nice, right? I love it :D My view actually looks out across the atrium of the building, and then through the exterior window - hence all the window frames.

This is the view from the south (back) side of the building.  The arrow points to my window - we're up on the top floor :D I like that, too.  There's now grass in the grey area to the bottom left of the picture - it's great for sitting and eating your lunch on, or even just sunbathing on your break. In the summer, that is.

And, just in case you were wondering, this is what the front of the building looks like. 

Impressive SOB, ain't it? Well, for Yellowknife, it (kinda) is! At least, I like to think so.. to me, it's the prettiest building in the whole city.  A real silver lining :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I went to visit my old boss, Ross, at Domino's the other day... he showed me his lastest toy, a gift he had just decided to pick up for himself as a way of celebrating his 10 year anniversary of owning/operating at Domino's.  It was very shiney, and surprisingly heavy.  Look what I got to hold:

Check out that ticket price! Wowza! That's real gold, baby. I told him I thought it was nice. Because it was shiney. But I don't think I'd ever wear something like that.. I don't really like the look of gold, for the most part. Silver is much nicer, imho :D And I can't imagine toting that much worth around on my wrist.. what if something happened to it? Lol, if I ever had that kind of assets, I'd want them somewhere safe, like in the bank. Or a house. :)

My sister invested in one of these today:

She let me try it out, too. I think it's kinda cool,  but it doesn't provide a whole lot of support.. but maybe that's because we've got the weakest springs attached... maybe the heavier ones would make it better. I'm gonna try it out :D Time to burn off these chocolate chip cookies, alright :D

This is me :)

Connie, a coworker, emailed me this link: 

It's a classic personality test. I took it... lol. Here're my results:

 I can't really argue with anything it says about me, so I guess that makes it pretty accurate. It's pretty neat :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Last Best First

This is the last drawing that I ever put considerable time and effort into;

This is the best thing I ever made:

And this is the first tune I ever composed:

Hope you like it  


Friday, March 20, 2009

Electric City

I really wanted to make a video to post last night, I did. But things kept popping up that needed to be done... so, at the end of the night, just before both Nikoli and I had to go to bed, I sat down in my room to give it a try. >WARNING<, this was just a tester video, I look REALLY goofy.. cause just as I hit record, Nikoli walked into my room, and split my concentration... I really should have just put the guitar down and started over after he was done talking to me... but he does have a tendancy to go on, and I was determined! So anyway, he walked in and, in his way, went straight to my dresser, where he saw this: 


(It's a motherboard that I took out of a disfunctional, whoops I mean non-functional, PC I had kicking around.. you know, every self respecting geek has one on their dresser. No, just kidding. It's just me.)

 Just as I pressed record, Nikoli asks me: "Mom, is this an electric city?" 

:D :D :D

When I was a kid, I thought exactly the same thing when I first saw a circuit board. That there were little electric people in there, too :D That's why I put it up there, 'cause it reminds me of that whimsy .

So then, of course, I had to respond. But I refused to give up my efforts! Thus, the results:

Not the best recording, to be honest, I'm a little embarrassed and am questioning even as I type this why I'm posting it - admit it, I do look like a goof.  But I think it's too cute not too share :) And it provides definite proof that I was driven to distraction yesterday, so I have a valid excuse.  Most of all,  you can hear the tune. Which was my point all along. 

Just don't look at my face, k?  


Thursday, March 19, 2009


I lent my camera to my Dad a couple of weeks ago so he can take some pictures when he's up north for his job. He's going up to places like Arctic Bay and Pond Inlet to put in some piers for new docks on the northern coast. Anyway, this means that I don't have it, and just like the water from the dry well, I've never wanted it more. But! I came up with a solution... I borrowed my son't little tykes video camera, lol. It actually makes pretty decent videos, so I'm gonna make some... Now! 

(more to come) 


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Looks Like/Like Looks

So, this is what the view out my living room window looks like. I usually direct my gaze upward, to see what kind of picture God's painted now, but I also admit that I watch the kids play in the yard across the street there. I check out what the upstairs guy on the left is watching on his TV (it's a big screen) sometimes too, but the people on the upstairs right always have their curtains drawn. Maybe it's cause they've seen me, standing there in my own window, large as day, just staring out. I guess I could be kind of creepy :P

The thing I like best about the pic above? All the green :D (I know, I know, there's only tiny patches of it. But :D anyway :D ) I love summer, spring and fall. As for the winter... I'm kinda leaning towards a theory of human hibernation. I've yet to test my theory, but as these cold days drag on, it seems more and more appealling.

This is what I've been looking at for the last 6 months. And it's likely to be this way on until about the end of May. >:( It's hard not to talk about this stuff when it's around you for so long. Lucky for me, there's lots of nice warm buildings to take shelter in. I took this pic from the south stairwell of the Greenstone Building, where I work (I think you gotta be warm to appreciate a sky like this... all the subtle tones... otherwise, it's just foreboding). It's only about a block and a half from where I live, so I don't have to be outside for more than 10 minutes at a time, ever. I like that :D

But I like this even better... I took this pic from my window seat on a Jazz flight to that grand old city that all the northerners love, Edmonton. I just love the way it looks from the sky; all the tiny lights and pathways and lights moving down pathways.... it's just so shiney :) Full of people, energy, life. Ah, The City.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Summer Storm

Last summer there was an awesome electrical storm here in Yellowknife... the building in the picture is the Coast Fraser Tower hotel just down the street from my pad. I didn't take this picture, some other local did, but it musn't have been too difficult to catch as there were something like 30-40 lightning strikes per minute at the peak of the storm. The crash of the thunder was so loud, being so close, and so close together, it was like God dropped a box of God-sized cymbals just outside our window. 

The building in this picture is the Con Mine headframe. I like the sky in this one... it reminds me of the heat of summer, something I find I am always longing for at this time of year. Here, winter drags it's heels leaving to go home from his shift, as Spring is always late reporting for hers. When Summer finally appears, she's full of energy and that object of my desires, hot hot heat :) Someone asked me how I would rather die, by freezing to death or burning, and I said "Neither, thank you!" :) Then I said if I had to choose, it would be burning. Definately burning - I know it would be intensely painful, but the intensity would send you into shock straight away, and it would be over quick. Better than an everlasting drain that saps the strength, energy, and very will to live from you.  I'll take abrubt insanity over slow misery any day. 

The building on the left is Shaganappy Apts; the one on the right is Ptarmigan. I used to live in Ptarmigan. It's pretty ghetto in there. I once came down the stairs to find a dude taking a piss in on the ground floor landing. He was really drunk, and didn't even try to stop when he noticed me. I found out later it was someone a friend of mine knows. I think he's gross - I mean, why the stairwell? Couldn't you poke your pecker out the side-door and pee out there? Anyway... 

This pic kinda makes it look like the heavens are trying to fry that place. Ha! It's not so bad really, it's just neglected by it's owners. You could call it a slum, but it was my home for almost a year :)  Then I moved... a whole 5 0r 6 blocks away :|  :)

ever cute :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

searching for lyrics

playing my guitar as much as I can; my fingers stretch and jump from string to string
searching for sounds rhythm melody and lyrics, oh lyrics, those elusive things
.... writer's block has found a new home in this song's soul, jamming communication
between my heart's deepest desires and this ever so beautiful musical expression