Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bravo, Jenny, Bravo.

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I am a strong supporter of positivity. Like most concious humans, I can see that the world is in a sorry state in many ways; but I try to focus on the good, and encourage it to grow. It really seems like the only way one small person like me can really make a difference.

And that's why I am SOOOO proud of Jenny Lawson right now. Jenny's one of those blessed few who has the talent to make just about everybody laugh on a daily basis, is genuinely clever and funny and, I have to say, regularly brightens my day. I was never more honoured than the day when she knighted (well, actually duchess-ed) me via twitter :) But today she made me cry a little, with the absolute beauty of her words in response to a human rights travesty that occurred not that far from us, right over there in our sister nation to the south... read about it here.

Jenny, I, like many others I am sure, thank God for you.

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