Friday, March 20, 2009

Electric City

I really wanted to make a video to post last night, I did. But things kept popping up that needed to be done... so, at the end of the night, just before both Nikoli and I had to go to bed, I sat down in my room to give it a try. >WARNING<, this was just a tester video, I look REALLY goofy.. cause just as I hit record, Nikoli walked into my room, and split my concentration... I really should have just put the guitar down and started over after he was done talking to me... but he does have a tendancy to go on, and I was determined! So anyway, he walked in and, in his way, went straight to my dresser, where he saw this: 


(It's a motherboard that I took out of a disfunctional, whoops I mean non-functional, PC I had kicking around.. you know, every self respecting geek has one on their dresser. No, just kidding. It's just me.)

 Just as I pressed record, Nikoli asks me: "Mom, is this an electric city?" 

:D :D :D

When I was a kid, I thought exactly the same thing when I first saw a circuit board. That there were little electric people in there, too :D That's why I put it up there, 'cause it reminds me of that whimsy .

So then, of course, I had to respond. But I refused to give up my efforts! Thus, the results:

Not the best recording, to be honest, I'm a little embarrassed and am questioning even as I type this why I'm posting it - admit it, I do look like a goof.  But I think it's too cute not too share :) And it provides definite proof that I was driven to distraction yesterday, so I have a valid excuse.  Most of all,  you can hear the tune. Which was my point all along. 

Just don't look at my face, k?  


1 comment:

  1. Too late... I looked ;) And I'm so glad you didn't give in to your second thoughts, and posted this. "But he does have a tendency to go on..." *lol* I love it! And I love the idea of an electric city... and of geekyli ;)
