Saturday, March 14, 2009

Summer Storm

Last summer there was an awesome electrical storm here in Yellowknife... the building in the picture is the Coast Fraser Tower hotel just down the street from my pad. I didn't take this picture, some other local did, but it musn't have been too difficult to catch as there were something like 30-40 lightning strikes per minute at the peak of the storm. The crash of the thunder was so loud, being so close, and so close together, it was like God dropped a box of God-sized cymbals just outside our window. 

The building in this picture is the Con Mine headframe. I like the sky in this one... it reminds me of the heat of summer, something I find I am always longing for at this time of year. Here, winter drags it's heels leaving to go home from his shift, as Spring is always late reporting for hers. When Summer finally appears, she's full of energy and that object of my desires, hot hot heat :) Someone asked me how I would rather die, by freezing to death or burning, and I said "Neither, thank you!" :) Then I said if I had to choose, it would be burning. Definately burning - I know it would be intensely painful, but the intensity would send you into shock straight away, and it would be over quick. Better than an everlasting drain that saps the strength, energy, and very will to live from you.  I'll take abrubt insanity over slow misery any day. 

The building on the left is Shaganappy Apts; the one on the right is Ptarmigan. I used to live in Ptarmigan. It's pretty ghetto in there. I once came down the stairs to find a dude taking a piss in on the ground floor landing. He was really drunk, and didn't even try to stop when he noticed me. I found out later it was someone a friend of mine knows. I think he's gross - I mean, why the stairwell? Couldn't you poke your pecker out the side-door and pee out there? Anyway... 

This pic kinda makes it look like the heavens are trying to fry that place. Ha! It's not so bad really, it's just neglected by it's owners. You could call it a slum, but it was my home for almost a year :)  Then I moved... a whole 5 0r 6 blocks away :|  :)

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