Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The view from my cell :)

Since 2004 (and not counting 2006), I have spent roughly 1/3 of my life in a cubicle. I may jokingly call it my cell, but in all honesty, I am truly blessed to work where I do. The building is new (constructed in 2005), environmently efficient, and asthetically pleasing; our workstations are well-lit, open and spacious. And everybody gets a window :D This is my window(s):

These shots were taken first thing in the morning... I guess you could figure that out by the sun rising. yeah. sigh. I love sunrises/sunsets. I love the sky... it's one of the few things in life that is always amazing. No matter how bad I'm feeling,  I can look to the sky and focus on the beauty nature provides every day without fail, and remember that I am small, and the planet is small, and time goes on and on no matter how I feel. So I might as well brush off my shoulder, and laugh, and love :)


You can see my phone and other desktop miscellenea for reference. It's nice, right? I love it :D My view actually looks out across the atrium of the building, and then through the exterior window - hence all the window frames.

This is the view from the south (back) side of the building.  The arrow points to my window - we're up on the top floor :D I like that, too.  There's now grass in the grey area to the bottom left of the picture - it's great for sitting and eating your lunch on, or even just sunbathing on your break. In the summer, that is.

And, just in case you were wondering, this is what the front of the building looks like. 

Impressive SOB, ain't it? Well, for Yellowknife, it (kinda) is! At least, I like to think so.. to me, it's the prettiest building in the whole city.  A real silver lining :)

1 comment:

  1. Lucky Li, gets her own window and everything ;) You're right, though, you get to work in one gorgeous building. And I love the picture where you drew in the arrow!

    I like this quote: “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”
