Sunday, March 22, 2009


I went to visit my old boss, Ross, at Domino's the other day... he showed me his lastest toy, a gift he had just decided to pick up for himself as a way of celebrating his 10 year anniversary of owning/operating at Domino's.  It was very shiney, and surprisingly heavy.  Look what I got to hold:

Check out that ticket price! Wowza! That's real gold, baby. I told him I thought it was nice. Because it was shiney. But I don't think I'd ever wear something like that.. I don't really like the look of gold, for the most part. Silver is much nicer, imho :D And I can't imagine toting that much worth around on my wrist.. what if something happened to it? Lol, if I ever had that kind of assets, I'd want them somewhere safe, like in the bank. Or a house. :)

My sister invested in one of these today:

She let me try it out, too. I think it's kinda cool,  but it doesn't provide a whole lot of support.. but maybe that's because we've got the weakest springs attached... maybe the heavier ones would make it better. I'm gonna try it out :D Time to burn off these chocolate chip cookies, alright :D

1 comment:

  1. Whoa. What a watch! I've never understood the concept of high-priced watches... if I had that much money to spend on random bling I'd buy myself a tiara before I'd buy myself a watch... ;)
