Thursday, April 9, 2009

oops, forgot to post these...

In my last post I forgot to mention that it wasn't enough for Matty to just provide a pretty case, either... he rigged it to hold all the supplies I might need (except for the ink) - check it out :)

You can see there's extra batteries, alcohol swabs, needle-holders, and even a little dish (the upside down pop bottle cap) to hold the ink :)  Oh, and those are my very cool hippy shades sitting next to the case :) Totally unrelated, but I thought I'd point them out anyway.  

Anyway! You can see the pegs he put in to hold everything in place. He put a lot of care into it :) 

As I remember, the motor runs steady but gently, and the needle(s) are really, really sharp, so it actually worked quite well. Except I had a little trouble holding it steady. And I learned about being careful how you put pressure on your skin, 'cause stretching it the wrong way can really warp your sense of direction when drawing  - one minute a line is here, next minute it's there: yikes! Lol. Yea, learning! :) 

Speaking of which, I need to be getting back to my guitar... I've got a lot of studying to do, I have some new things in mind.. but no promises! 


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