Saturday, April 11, 2009

This is Ember

My teddy. I love her. I name everything important in my life - my plants, my car, my teddy. And my teddy is oh so important. I don't care that I'm a full grown adult; I truly believe that you sleep so much better when you have somthing (preferably someone!) to hold as you do so. And when you're like me, and have immense trouble sleeping sometimes, a good teddy is a God-send. I never had a teddy when I was growing up, except for this little one (it was dressed up a like a train conductor - so cute!) when I was a little one. I received Ember for my 18th birthday (or was it Christmas? They're so close together...)  you can see from the missing eye and the burn mark on her foot (I'm so sorry Ember!) that she's been through a lot with me.

1 comment:

  1. Ember is such a pretty name for a teddy :) I want to hear about the names you have for everything else... ;)
